Friday, August 20, 2010

The Philosopher and the Lunatic

“You’ve been left with what now? Nothing.”

Yes, it’s true. I have been left with nothing to say as my own. Ever since I started blogging, even my thoughts are not my own anymore. It is like Kahlil Gibran saying ‘your children are not your own’.

Does this men that I am all alone now? What is the definition of loneliness? Is it a state of mind? Or just being alone is called loneliness? Is it really necessary to be with the people or our own choice? What if they doesn’t feel the same?

Is it an offence to try to fill the emptiness? They would say, No. But when we try to the emptiness, the same people will stand up and say, “No, you can’t do this.”

Then, to try to stay alone is again called as ‘running away from the truth’.

I am scared.

I am scared to speak up my mind. Perhaps if I would have been able to do that, it would have helped me in relieving my mind. But I am scared that they will interpret in a way convenient to them, and that is not going to do me any good.

Why cannot I be like some other happy-go-lucky people? Am I taking life a little too seriously? Sometime I even think, ‘enough is enough. Why not take a short trip and ask the creator why it is so?’ But is he there? If he indeed is, and he created everything, is this what his creations are supposed to be?

They say that I am becoming a philosopher! What is a philosopher? If my asking a question about myself makes me a philosopher, isn’t that something that everyone does at some point of the time?

Luckily my mind is still active to think these absurd things. And my fingers are also equally active to pen it down. I don’t know if it is worth reading by anyone, but before I meet Jahangir Khan, I must record my thoughts.

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